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Online Journal of World Ophthalmic Events
September 2005

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September 03 - 04
Description: Detachment Course with International Faculty on: Retinal and Vitreous Surgery
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Contact Info: Scientific Program:
Prof. Ingrid Kreissig
University of Tuebingen, Breuningerbau
72076 Tuebingen, Germany


Local Organization:
Prof. MUDr. Pavel Rozsival, PhD
Dept. of Ophthalmology, Charles University
Sokolska 581
500 05 Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Phone / Fax:



Select Other Events by Location / Czech Republic 

Select by Organization / Germany / Universität Heidelberg, Klinische Medizin Mannheim

Select by Topic / Retina and Vitreous

Detachment Course with International Faculty on: Retinal and Vitreous Surgery

Congress Language: English


  • Diagnostics

  • Permanent and Temporary Plombages

  • Gas Operations

  • Vitrectomy

  • Reoperation

  • Panel Discussion, Case Presentations

Preoperative diagnostics, 4 Rules how to find the primary break and how to proceed in a retinal detachment "without" a break will be presented, followed by the differential diagnosis between a rhegmatogenous and nonrhegmatogenous detachment. The art of segmental buckling without drainage of subretinal fluid will be demonstrated in videos. This minimal surgery, limited to the area of the break, is done with silicone sponges sewed onto sclera or a temporary balloon without sutures. There follow 4 Rules how to find an undiscovered second break in a surgical failure. The longterm anatomical and functional results and as well the limits of scleral buckling will be demonstrated. The use of the perfluorocarbon gases for breaks unsuitable for buckling will be described. Indications of vitrectomy for primary retinal detachments or detachments with pronounced proliferative vitreoretinopathy. for a macular hole or pucker, and for a diabetic eye will be presented. The results of scleral buckling will be compared with pneumatic retinopexy and primary vitrectomy. There will be 2 sessions with presentation of various detachments for discussion by the panel and the audience. The participants will try to locate the break(s) and select the appropriate type of surgery for repair. For these case presentations the participants will obtain a syllabus to take home for their clinical work.

Full information: 

The program in detail

I thank Prof. Ingrid Kreissig and Irene Keller (congress secretary) for cooperation.


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