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January 2005



05 CT und NMR (Fallbesprechung) - CME Mülheim, Germany
07 18th Annual Kansas City Studies in Eye Education Kansas City, MO, USA
07 - 08 26e Symposium AnnuelL: Neuro-Ophtalmologie pratique - La posturologie: un nouvel outil thérapeutique Paris, France
08 2nd Antwerp Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium Antwerpen, Belgium
08 Glaucoma Symposium 2005 Willows Lodge, WA, USA
08 VISX Standard Certification Training Course Troy, MI, USA
08 - 10 Eyecare 3000 Belfast Belfast, N. Ireland, UK
09 Illinois Optometric Association CE Program Lisle, IL, USA
09 Massachusetts Society of Optometrists - CME Course Marlborough, MA, USA
09 - 16 Europe Pacific Medical & Legal Conference Cortina D'Ampezzo, Italy
10 Conference D\'Angiographie de Creteil Creteil, France
10 - 12 Final Membership (III) MRCOphth Refresher London, England, UK
12 Neuroprotektion und Glaukom Münster, Germany
12 Fortbildung in der Praxis - CME Berlin, Germany
12 - 18 Tropical Sea E Continuing Education Meeting Palm Beach, Aruba
13 Ausgewählte Fälle aus der Klinik Bern, Switzerland
13 - 16 63rd Annual Conference of the All India Ophthalmological Society Orissa, India
13 - 16 CE and SKI 2005 Santa Fe , NM, USA
14 Fitting and Prescribing Telescopes New York, NY, USA
14 Wills Eye Hospital’s Atlantic Coast Retina Club Meeting Philadelphia, PA, USA
14 - 16 XVII. Annual Meeting - European Eye Bank Association (EEBA) Halle/Saale, Germany
15 143. Erlanger Augenärztliche Fortbildung: Neue Aspekte zur Pathophysiologie, Diagnostik und Therapie der Glaukome Erlangen, Germany
15 Herpetische Oogziekten Utrecht, Netherlands
15 Minnesota Optometric Association Board of Trustees Edina, MN, USA
15 Moderne Glaukomtherapie: IOD-Senkung und Neuroprotektion - CME Heidelberg, Germany
15 VISX Standard Certification Training Course Richmond, VA, USA
15 Wills Eye Hospital’s Vitreoretinal Disease Update Philadelphia, PA, USA
15 - 17 9th American Uveitis Society Winter Symposium Snowbird, UT, USA
15 - 17 50th Annual Kraskin Invitational Skeffington Symposium on Vision Arlington, VA, USA
16 Illinois Optometric Association CE Program Chicago, IL, USA
16 - 21 The Royal Hawaiian Eye Meeting The Big Island of Hawaii, HI, USA
16 - 21 Retina - 2005 The Big Island of Hawaii, HI, USA
19 Differentialdiagnose bei Konjunktivitis - CME Gießen, Germany
19 Mannheimer Augenaerztliche Fortbildung / Ophthalmological Continuing Education in Mannheim Mannheim, Germany
19 - 22

Contact Lens and Eyecare Symposium (CLES)

San Diego, CA, USA
20 - 21 Tropical Ophthalmology Utrecht, Netherlands
20 - 22 Phaco, Foldables and Refractive Results Park City, UT, USA
21 Convegno Nazionale Gruppo di Studio per la Retinopatia del Pretermine Milan, Italy
21 Wet-Lab I: Techniken der Glaukomchirurgie / Wet-Lab II: High-Tech-Glaukom-Diagnostik Halle/Saale, Germany
21 - 22 Optometry Association of Louisiana 2005 Mid-Winter Meeting Alexandria, LA, USA
22 Neuro-Ophthalmologic Emergencies Cleveland, OH, USA
22 Retinal Update 2005 Minneapolis, MN, USA
22 Wills Eye Hospital’s Complicated Cataract Cases: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach Philadelphia, PA, USA
22 Workshop: Translating critical appraisal of a manuscript into meaningful peer review Providence, RI, USA
22 - 23 7th Ophthalmology Symposium in Halle Halle/Saale, Germany
22 - 23 Missouri Optometric Association Board Meeting Jefferson City, MO, USA
22 - 24 Eyecare 3000 Glasgow Glasgow, Scottland, UK
23 - 24 Connecticut Association of Optometrists 2005 Annual Conference Uncasville, CT, USA
23 - 25 International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) West Asia Regional Conference New Delhi , India
23 - 25 The Art and Science of Optometric Care - A Behavioral Perspective Norway
23 - 29 Island Eyes Conference 2005 Maui, Lahaina, HI, USA
January 2005



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