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May 2005



01 - 03 Module 3 First 3 days of VT/Visual Dysfunctions (VT1) Copenhagen, Denmark
01 - 05 ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) 2005 Annual Meeting: Global Networking Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
02 - 05 Storm Eye/ASCRS Clinical Update 2005 Kiawah Island, SC, USA
06 Fitting and Prescribing Telescopes Las Vegas, NV, USA
05 - 07 46. Jahrestagung der Osterreichische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (ÖOG) - Austrian Ophthalmological Society Bad Ischl, Austria
06 - 07 Florida Optometric Association - Florida Chapter of the AAO CE - Educational Meeting 2005 Howey in the Hills, FL, USA
06 - 09 MIDO - International Optics, Optometry and Ophthalmology Exhibition Milan, Italy
07 Maine Optometric Association InfantSEE Conference Augusta, ME, USA
07 VISX Standard Certification Training Course Richmond, VA, USA
07 - 08 Congrés annuel de la SAFIR (Société de l'Association Française des Implants et de la chirurgie Réfractive) Paris, France
07 - 11 111th Congress of French Society of Ophthalmology Paris, France
07 - 14 Atlantic Provinces Ophthalmological Society St. Kitts, W.I.
09 - 12 Corsi di aggiornamento sul trattamento conservativo del melanoma mediante radioterapia - Corso B Genova/Nizza, Italy
11 145. Erlanger Augenärztliche Fortbildung: Plastische chirurgie der Augenlider, Tränenwege und Orbita Erlangen, Germany
11 Mannheimer Augenaerztliche Fortbildung / Ophthalmological Continuing Education in Mannheim Mannheim, Germany
11 Neue Erkenntnisse über retinale zelluläre Veränderungen bei Glaukom Münster, Germany
11 UP-date: Katarakt- und refraktive Chirurgie Würzburg, Germany
11 - 14 3o Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Italiana de Oftalmologia - 3rd SOI International Congress Florence, Italy
11 - 14 III Congresso Brasileiro de Catarata e Cirurgia Refrativa, I Simpósio da Sociedade Brasileira de Administração em Oftalmologia (SBAO) Porto Seguro, BA, Brazil
12 - 13 10th Annual Florence Meeting Florence, Italy
12 - 14 MidWest Vision Congress & Expo Rosemont, IL, USA
12 - 15 British Columbia Association of Optometrists - BCAO Annual General Meeting Vancouver, BC, Canada
13 Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO) & Association of Technical Personnel in Ophthalmology (ATPO) CE Program Chicago, IL, USA
13 - 14 28th Annual UC Davis Ophthalmology Symposium and Residents' Day Cataract Surgery for A to Z (and Beyond) Sonoma, CA, USA
13 - 14 Curso de Actualización en Oculoplastia Oviedo, Spain
13 - 14 Wills Eye Hospital’s Combined Ophthalmic Pathology Slide Seminar Philadelphia, PA, USA
14 - 15 Detachment Course with International Faculty on: Retinal and Vitreous Surgery Odessa, Ukraine
14 - 15 Regional Clinical Seminar - A New “Old Fashioned” Approach to Strabismus & Amblyopia Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
14 - 16 2005 ISRS/AAO (International Society of Refractive Surgery of the American Academy of Ophthalmology) Meeting Hong Kong, China
14 - 16 Optometrists Association Victoria Southern Regional Congress 2005 Melbourne, Australia
15 - 16 5th BOPSS (British Oculoplastic Surgery Society) Annual Meeting Birmingham, England, UK
15 - 27 4th European VitreoRetinal Training School Bremen, Germany
May 2005



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