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June 2005



01 3. Rhein-Main-Symposium für Augenchirurgie Darmstadt, Germany
01 - 04 2nd South-East European Congress of Ophthalmology Sofia, Bulgaria
02 - 04 IV Congresso S.I.C.S.S.O. International Scientific Meeting "Stems Cells and Ocular Surface" Inflammations and Infections Venezia, Italy
02 - 04 Fórum 2005 do Instituto Penido Burnier Campinas, SP, Brazil
02 - 04 Oregon Optometric Physicians Association Annual Convention Gleneden Beach, OR, USA
02 - 05 2005 Optometry Association of Louisiana Annual Convention New Orleans, LA, USA
02 - 05 ForeSight East 2005 - Optometric Education Summit in Bermuda - New Technology & Treatments in Vision Care Hamilton, Bermuda
02 - 05 Utah Optometric Association Annual Convention Park City, UT, USA
02 - 05 VT/Strabismus & Amblyopia (Vision Therapy 3) Encino, CA, USA
03 - 04 77th Annual Opthalmology Conference (U. of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center) Ann Arbor, MI, USA
03 - 04 Curso Anual 2005 del Centro Argentino de Estrabismo (CAE) Rosario, Argentina
03 - 04 Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO) & Association of Technical Personnel in Ophthalmology (ATPO) CE Program Osage Beach, MO, USA
03 - 04 Optexpo Poland - International Fair of Optics and Ophthalmology Warsaw, Poland
03 - 05 British Contact Lens Association 28th Annual Clinical Conference and Exhibition Brighton, England, UK
03 - 05 North Carolina Optometric Society Spring Congress Myrtle Beach, NC, USA
03 - 07 8th Helen Keller World Conference and World Federation of the Deafblind 2nd General Assembly Tampere, Finland
04 Hamburger Augenärztliche Fortbildung 2005: Hamburger Glaukomtag Hamburg, Germany
04 - 06 Module 3 First 3 days of VT/Visual Dysfunctions (VT1) Norway
05 Maryland Optometric Association Sunday CE Program Baltimore, MD, USA
05 Utah Optometric Association Alternate Education Program Park City, UT, USA
08 - 11 8th Michaelson Symposium Gent, Belgium
08 - 11 30th Meeting of the European Strabismological Association Killarney, Ireland
08 - 12 103rd Virginia Optometric Association Annual Congress and Mid-Atlantic Continuing Education Conference and VOA Paraoptometric Seminar Williamsburg, VA, USA
09 - 10 XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica Ocular y Orbitaria Cádiz, Spain
09 - 10 Complicated Cataract Course London, England, UK
09 - 11 XII Simpósio Internacional da Santa Casa de São Paulo, II Congresso Brasileira de Estrabismo e Oftalmologia Pediátrica São Paulo, SP, Brazil
09 - 11 CE in Las Vegas Las Vegas , NV, USA
09 - 12 Congreso Nacional de Oftalmología 2005 Margarita, Venezuela
09 - 13 20th Annual Joint Conference on Theoretical and Clinical  Optometry Forest Grove, OR, USA
10 Macular Oedema: Evidence Based Practice Leeds, England, UK
10 - 11 10° Corso di Topografia, Aberrometria & Diagnostica Corneale Rovigo, Italy
10 - 11 54. Tagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärtze Hannover, Germany
10 - 11 Aesthetica Biarritz 2005 Biarritz, France
10 - 11 Vitreoretina 2005 Milan, Italy
10 - 12 Maine Optometric Association Summer Meeting Bar Harbor, ME, USA
10 - 12 Missouri Optometric Association Leadership Retreat Lake Ozark, MO, USA
10 - 13 Alaska Optometric Association (AKOA) Summer Education Conference Girdwood, AK, USA
11 - 12 Pennsylvania Optometric Association Spring Educational Conference Camp Hill, PA, USA
14 - 16 Comprehensive Clinical Low Vision Care New York, NY, USA
14 - 16 Low Vision Therapy New York, NY, USA
14 - 18 The Art and Science of Optometric Care - A Behavioral Perspective Memphis, TN, USA
15 146. Erlanger Augenärztliche Fortbildung: Hornhaut und Augenoberfläche Erlangen, Germany
15 Illinois Optometric Association President's Cabinet Meeting Springfield, IL, USA
15 - 18 5th International Congress and the 13th National Congress on Ophthalmology Havana, Cuba
June 2005



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