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Convergence, Ocular
2 Ocular Physiology / 2 Ocular Physiologic Processes / 2 Eye Movements /  Convergence, Ocular 
MeSH description: The turning inward of the lines of sight toward each other.
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Search articles for 'Ocular Convergence'
  ► Investigative Opthathalmology and Visual Science: IOVS - Online Journal Official journal of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
Other Links
► College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD): Convergence Insufficiency  

► EyeMDLink: Convergence Insufficiency  

► Joy of Visual Perception - York U., Peter K. Kaiser Web Site: Convergence

► Loughborough U. /UK/: Empirical Studies of Accommodation, Convergence, and HMD Use 

► Optometry Web Site: Ocular Motility - Vergence Eye Movements 

► Queen's U. at Kingston, Eolas Interactive Knowledge Inc.: Eye Movements - Vergence (Video)


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