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Rambler's Top100
Online Journal of World Ophthalmic Events
November 2005

01 - 10

11 - 20

21 - 30

11 Kansas Optometric Association Practice Transitions Seminar Salina, KS, USA
11 - 12 New Frontiers in Clinical Glaucoma New York, NY, USA
11 - 13 Alcon Laboratories - Complementary Ophthalmic Residents Education Philadelphia, PA, USA
11 - 13 Module 5 First 3 days of VT/Learning Related Visual Problems (VT2) Copenhagen, Denmark
11 - 13 Monterey Symposium 2005 Monterey, CA, USA
11 - 13 North Carolina Optometric Society Fall Congress Asheville, NC, USA
12 36. Wacker-Kurs für klinische Retinopathie Essen, Germany
12 Alcon Laboratories - Innovations in Cataract Surgery Pittsburgh, PA, USA
12 Alcon Laboratories - Refractive Excellence for Technicians New York, NY, USA
12 - 13 Alcon Laboratories - Refractive Excellence New York, NY, USA
12 - 13 A-Scan Challenge: Improving Surgical Outcomes Philadelphia, PA, USA
12 - 13 Maryland Optometric Association 2005 Annual Convention Baltimore, MD, USA
12 - 13 Vision Canada East 2005 Montreal, QC, Canada
13 Alcon Laboratories - LADARVision® System Stage 1 Training New York, NY, USA
14 Moria Lamellar Keratoplasty Course with Live Surgery Forli, Italy
14 - 17 Corsi di aggiornamento sul trattamento conservativo del melanoma mediante radioterapia - Corso F Genova/Nizza, Italy
16 Florida Optometric Association - Board of Optometry Meeting Tampa, FL, USA
16 Indiana Optometric Association Paraoptometric Seminar: Assistants Carmel, IN, USA
16 Mannheimer Augenaerztliche Fortbildung / Ophthalmological Continuing Education in Mannheim Mannheim, Germany
16 - 18 Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy in Europe - 15 years after the St. Vincent Declaration - an International Conference on screening for Retinopathy Liverpool, England, UK
17 Alma Oftalmologia ECM 2005 - La Gestione del Paziente Candidato al Trattamento di Chirurgia Refrattiva Bologna, Italy
18 Advanced Surgical Concepts Dillman Mini-Fellowship Danville, IL, USA
18 New England Ophthalmological Society Meeting: Cataract: New Technology Boston, MA, USA
18 - 19 56th Annual Post-Graduate Review Course: Ophthalmology Syracuse, NY, USA
18 - 19 Advanced Retinal Therapy Wien, Austria
18 - 19 Annual Ophthalmology Congress Port-au-Prince, Haiti
18 - 19 Generation Refraction 2005 Paris, France
18 - 20 Bi-Annual National Conference "Real Lives" Edinburgh, Scottland, UK
18 - 20 Mississippi Optometric Association 50th Annual Education Conference & Mississippi Vision Exposition Jackson, MS, USA
18 - 20 Primary Care Optometry News Fifth Annual New York Symposium New York, NY, USA
19 Cosmetic Oculoplastic Surgery Update for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist Cleveland, OH, USA

01 - 10

11 - 20

21 - 30

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