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June 2005



16 Alma Oftalmologia ECM 2005 - Approccio Moderno All'Ambliopia Bologna, Italy
16 Macula - Morphologie in Diagnostik und Therapie Bern, Switzerland
16 Review of Visual Pathways and Visual Skills Training New York, NY, USA
16 - 17 Annual Research, Residents and Alumni Meeting Cleveland, OH, USA
16 - 18 Retina in Progress Milan, Italy
16 - 19 Mississippi Optometric Association Summer Convention Orange Beach, AL, USA
17 Review of Common Eye Disorders in Children New York, NY, USA
17 - 18 3rd Annual Ocular Surgery News Symposium, Glaucoma: Improving Your Odds Las Vegas, NV, USA
17 - 18 41th Annual Resident's Days Miami, FL, USA
17 - 18 Faconews: Venti innovativi sul pianeta cataratta Busto Arsizio, Italy
17 - 18 Jahrestagung der Retinologischen Gesellschaft Bern, Switzerland
17 - 19 Schepens International Society Bi-Annual Meeting Vancouver, BC, Canada
18 - 22 5th European VitreoRetinal Society Meeting - Macula updates: Diagnostics, Diseases and  Treatments Orebro, Sweden
18 - 23 2005 FASEB Summer Research Conferences: Biology and Chemistry of Vision Tucson, AZ, USA
19 - 22 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2005  Annual Convention Orlando, FL, USA
22 - 25 Canadian Ophthalmological Society 2005 Annual Meeting and Exhibition Edmonton, AB, Canada
22 - 26 American Optometric Association Annual Congress & Exposition Dallas, TX, USA
23 - 25 XXX Simpósio Associação Paranaense de Oftalmologia Curitiba, PR, Brazil
23 - 26 18. Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmochirurgen / 18th Annual Meeting of German Ophthalmic Surgeons Nurnberg, Germany
23 - 26 35th Congress of ECLSO (European Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmologists) / 12th Meeting of MCLOSA (Medical Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Association) London, England, UK
24 - 25 Avances en Cirugía Ocular 2005 Madrid, Spain
24 - 25 VI Congresso Nazionale G.I.V.R.E. - Chirurgia del distacco di retina regmatogeno: gestione delle complicanze Bergamo, Italy
24 - 26 Congresso Brasileiro da Sociedade Brasileira de Visão Subnormal São Paulo, SP, Brazil
24 - 28 89th Annual Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthalmological Society Meeting Vancouver, BC, Canada
25 - July 2 Corso di Educazione continua in Oftalmologia Cagliari, Italy
26 - 29 7th Meeting of the European Neuro- Ophthalmological Society Moscow, Russia
28 - July 1 Manejo Comprensible del Paciente con Baja Visión Mexico City, Mexico
29 - July 2 XI International Corneal And Refractive Course Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
30 - July 2 I Congresso Internacional de Córnea Clínica – SOBLEC Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
30 - July 2 Current Concepts in Retina: Celebrating a New Decade of Preventions and Treatments East Glacier Park, MT, USA
June 2005



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